12 दिसंबर 2011

Rajnikaanth, The true Super Hero

The True Super Hero Of India
  • Once Dinosaurs borrowed money from Rajnikanth and refused to pay him back.. That was the last time anyone saw Dinosaurs.
  • Mutated spider bit peter parker, he became spiderman.. mutated spider bit rajanikanth, spider became spiderkanth.
  • If you google for “style” then google shows “Did you mean Rajinikanth?”
  • Do you have any idea why in japan there is frequent earthquake?? Because Rajanikanth lost his mobile in japan in vibrate mode.
  • Rajnikanth once wrote his Autobiography. Today that book is known as Guinness Book of World Records!
  • Rajni met a goat on the way.. it was doing bey bey bey bey bey bey.. Rajni hit the goat in anger now that goat is known as.. JUSTIN BIEBER
  • Rajinikanth once taught a child, How to Play Counter Strike. Now that child is known as Osama Bin Laden!
  • Rajinikanth knows what came first - the chicken or the egg!
  • Superman once got into a fight with Rajnikanth. The loser had to wear his underwear over his pants.
  • Why did obama came to india? To receive the payment of nasa's rocket he sold to RAJNIKANTH for diwali.
  • Rajinikanth once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are today called giraffes.
  • Hrithik tried 2 compete with rajni in dance.. result..he is on a wheel chair in guzaarish.
  • Rajinikanth enters the Big Boss house, and next day there is announcement, "Rajinikanth chahate hai ki Big Boss confession room me aaye."
  • Rajnikant does not install an anti-virus on his PC. All computer virus are looking for an Anti-Rajanikant software to save themselves from hands of Rajanikant.
  • Myth Busted: For long the World has believed that the magnetic needle in a compass always points in North. The truth is it always points in the direction Rajinikanth is looking.
  • Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg hospitalized...bcoz Rajnikanth poked him.
  • Barack Obama is thinking of saying "Enna Rascala" instead of "yes we can" in the next presidential elections.
  • When Rajinikanth does push-ups, he isn't lifting himself up. He is pushing the earth down.
  • Rajnikant invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.
  • When Graham Bell invented the telephone, he found two missed calls from Rajnikant !!
  • Google won't find Rajinikanth because you don't find Rajinikanth; Rajinikanth finds you.

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